Dark Angel is a 2 seasons series in which the super sexy actress Jessica Alba impersonnates Max, a genetically engineered super soldier who escaped from her military camp as a child.
Season 1
Max works as an employee of the Jam Pony mail delivery service with her hot lesbian friend Original Cindy. In their world, a strike caused the economy to collapse and most people live quite poorly, which is why Max uses her superhuman abilities to steal from the rich and give to herself.
During one of her robberies she comes across a guy named Logan, who is able to witness her uncany habilities. Logan uses his riches to broadcasts informations the corrupted ones would rather keep a secret by hacking into the news system undercover as Eyes Only.
His lower superior brain instantly understands that Max could be a magnificent girlfriend ally and asks her for her help. However Max refuses, which eventually results in Logan being shot and loosing the ability to walk.
But when she discovers that Logan can help her locate the 11 other Manticore soldiers that escaped with her years ago, Max decides to help, and thus starts doing errands for Eyes Only, who's now stuck in a wheelchair thanks to the misses.
This season can pretty much be summed up by Max searching for the other runnaways, eventually finding some and having to part from them, some flashbacks about her sad childhood as X5-452 in Manticore, Logan turning all emo about being stuck in a wheelchair and both of them falling in love with each other but being to stubborn too admit it.
Season 2
It starts with a burnt down Manticore and the escape of all transgenics. The government, who paid for the secret project with public taxes, doesn't want it revealed and asks Mr. White to kill them all. So at first, Max and Logan's tasks is to hide all the transgenics their find, from the part-man part-dog Joshua to the X5 Alec.
Only that Mr. White is also working for some kind of cult who breeds transgenics by selecting mating partners. When his son, who was the result of one of those breedings, is kidnapped by Max at her mothers' demand, he decides exposure is worth it to retrieve his child.
Thus the transgenics' presence is officially revealed and the public decides lynching them is the way to go. The series ends with the trangenics regrouping under a flag to fight for their right to live.
The series had a great potential. The idea of a super sexy super strong fighting chick isn't new but hell, who would complain about Jessica Alba rocking the world. And let's not even get me started on Jensen Ackles.
Basically, it's a canon series with everything a good geek needs to feel happy: gorgeous girls who goes in heat and lesbians on motocycles, improbable fighting, guns, genetic engeneering, an apocalyptic future, weird-looking super monsters, good people above the law, a geek who's not only an undercover superheroe but also a super-smart super-brave hacker good-looking enough to tame the wild and beautiful superwoman they can identify with... It's almost a SuperBatCatPr.Xman Marvel comix.
However, the main story is quite weak, as most of the characters we meet disappear almost instantly (remember Americans, the solution to all your problems is going to Canada). That keeps the focus on Max but is also kind of illogical regarding her goal, as she almost always ends sending away, turning down or even killing the members of her escapee "family". However, this is less relevant in season 2, were the recurring characters of Alec and Joshua are intruced to stay.
And also, what is that about Max and Logan not being able to "get busy" because of a "right time" or a freaking virus? Guys guys guys, if you want to let a geek boy viewer dream about being the only one who ever (dream) banged miss Alba, please at least learn about subtlety.
I also think the characters are quite shallows.
Max quickly turns from a strong willing and independent wildcat into a fragile, emotionally driven kitten (okay, maybe I'm exagerating, but only a little).
Logan is... actually, I'm not sure we even know why Logan does such a dangerous job as Eyes Only. Plus, come on man, you stoped killing yourself because who saw water drop from your ceiling? How not serious were you about commiting suicide?
Max friends have little or no background.
Joshua is quite cool, and his weirdly found interest in painting kinda nice actually, but the fact that only freaks / blind girls would talk to him is a bit pessimistic from my point of view.
Alec's story is disappointing. It looks like suddenly the writers discovered that he had the potential to attract fangirls (which is so true), so they cooked him a sickening sad romantic background. Which could have worked, actually, as Jensen Ackles is just that pretty, had they not insisted on Max kicking his ass each time she had the opportunity to do so (don't worry Jen, we still love you). Moreover, the more Max kicks him the more Alec likes her. X5 turned into a masochistic kitten, take 2.
To conclude, great ideas (for a comic), gorgeous actors, not that great a series.