Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rightful indignation

I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking Chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons. Let them never be stupid girls.

— And there are the correct answers to that "let's be politicaly correct" pile of crap. —

JK Rowling (via acciojordan)

Um, JK? Remember when you wrote the bad guys as comedy fatties in your books? Remember how all the scenes at Privet Drive were full of gags about how fat Dudley was? You do remember that, right?

And where did you make the jump from “image-conscious” to “stupid?” A girl can be interested in looking nice and still be smart. They aren’t polar opposites. Carrying it to extremes is bad, obviously, but a girl who likes being pretty can also be independent, idealistic, opinionated, and the rest.

Also, I thought Pansy Parkinson was a bad person because she was a bully and a racist rather than because she was image-conscious. Could be wrong, though. (And hey, remember how you kept emphasizing how “pug-faced” she was? But of course you wouldn’t be implying a correlation between image and personality. That would be wrong.)

(via tadface)


And do you remember how image conscious Hermione was that she went and changed her teeth and hair? Do you remember that bit? And do you remember how Ron and Harry picked on Eloise for having a crooked nose which made her an inconceivable date? Do you think that made her independent and interesting and idealistic and kind? And do you remember that Hermione scarred that girl’s face? I know her name, but she was thrown aside after being shown insufferable cruelty after she was made to tell the truth via blackmail (veritaserum in the film)?

Source: acciojordan

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