Monday, May 3, 2010


He made me cry again. I'm not sure how many times he did, but he sure is the only one who made me cry that much on a bus way home.

Not that he intended to, of course.

Actually, he's been quite nice. Very nice. Utterly nice. He offered me his coat when I was freezing my teeth off.

Of course I declined the offer. I'm not sure if everyone thinks that too, but I feel like guys should only offer their coats to their girl/boyfriend, or to their very close friends. I mean, that touched their skin. That's impregnated with their warmth and scent.
And sweat.

So I declined the offer, out of fear, I suppose (I scare easely) and surprise. And I just don't get it.

Why are you being nice to me? You don't seem to want anything in return. And I don't have anything you need, or want; I'm nothing you care about, so why do you act as if you cared?

I'm not used to people caring about me. I'm just not the kind of person people care about. I don't need their help, I just want their smile.
So when you're nice, it scares me, because I don't know how to react.

How comes that you can be an absolute ass about something such as not even calling to tell you're not coming to a long planned party, which is commun courtesy, and still pull out something that nice?

And just like that I remembered why I had fallen for you in the first place, and I cried.

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